Community: Get in touchwith ourcommunity and check out our Discord server: Visit our wiki at Contribute: a)Translation: Want to helpus translate Pocket Code into yourlanguage? Please contact us telling usfor which language you would beable to help. Feedback: Ifyou find abug or have a good idea to improve Pocket Code, write usa mail orgo to the Discord server and give usfeedbackin the '🛑app-feedback' channel. Allpublic Catrobatprograms can be downloaded under a free open sourcelicense tomaximize learning, remixing, and sharing. You can remix programs thatothers have madeand share them with your friends and the world. Program, play, and share your own games, animations,interactiveart, music videos, and many kinds of other apps,directly on yourphone! Pocket Code allows you to create, edit,execute, share, andremix Catrobat programs in a visual programmingenvironment andprogramming language.